Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2010

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X'mas


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 1430H

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 1430H........
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430H
"Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When IT sing Beatles songs...

By : Beatles

All those backups seemed a waste of pay
Now my database has gone away
Oh I believe in yesterday.....

There's not half the files there used to be
And there's a milestone hanging over me
The system crashed so suddenly
I pushed something wrong
What it was I could not say
Now all my data's gone and I long for yesterday-ay- ay-ay

The need for back-ups seemed so far away
I knew my data was all here to stay
Now I believe in yesterday

by : John Lennon

Imagine there's no Windows
It's easy if you try
No fatal errors or new bugs
To kill your hard drives

Imagine Mr. Bill Gates
Leaving us in peace!
Imagine never ending hard disks
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to del or wipe off
And no floppy too

Imagine Mr. Bill Gates
Sharing all his money
You may say I'm a hacker
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And your games will fit in RAM

Imagine 1-Giga RAM
I wonder if you can
No need for left-shifts or setups
And no booting again and again

Imagine all the systems
Working all life-time!
You may say I'm a hacker
But I'm not the only one
Maybe someday I'll be a cracker
And then I'll make Windows run.....

By : Beatles

When I find my code in tons of trouble
Friends and colleagues come to me
Speaking words of wisdom: Write in C
As the deadline fast approaches
And bugs are all that I can see
Somewhere, someone whispers: Write in C

Write in C, Write in C
Write in C, oh, Write in C
LOGO's dead and buried
Write in C

I used to write a lot of FORTRAN
For science it worked flawlessly
Try using it for graphics!
Write in C

If you've just spent nearly 30 hours
Debugging some assembly
Soon you will be glad to Write in C

Write in C, Write in C
Write in C, yeah, Write in C
BASIC's not the answer
Write in C
Write in C, Write in C
Write in C, oh, Write in C
Pascal won't quite cut it
Write in C

Saturday, June 27, 2009

2009 - Indonesia Cellular Show

Jakarta Convention Center
10-14 June 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

2009 - Indonesia Computer Show

Jakarta Convention Center
10-14 June 2009

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Girlfriend vs Wife

Dear Tech Support:

Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources.

In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0,Hunting and Fishing 7.5, and Racing 3.6 including BEERS Night 11.5. In addition, View Women 6.5 was completely erased!.

I can't seem to keep Wife 1.0in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications. I'm thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but the uninstall doesn't work on Wife 1.0. Please help!


A Troubled User.


Dear Troubled User,

This is a very common problem.

Many men upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also impossible to delete Wife 1.0 and to return to Girlfriend 7.0. It is impossible to uninstall, or purge the program files from the system once installed.

You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0is designed to not allow this. Look in your Wife 1.0 manual under Warnings-Alimony-Child Support. I recommend that you keep Wife 1.0 and work on improving the situation. I suggest installing the background application "Yes Dear" to alleviate software augmentation.

The best course of action is to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the system will return to normal anyway.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Wife 1.0 comes with several support programs, such as Clean and Sweep 3.0, Cook It 1.5and Do Bills 4.2.

However, be very careful how you use these programs. Improper use will cause the system to launch the program Nag Nag 9.5 and/or PMS 99.0. Once this happens, the only way to improve the performance of Wife 1.0 is to purchase additional software. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Diamonds 5.0!

WARNING!!! DO NOT, under any circumstances, to install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of luck,

Tech Support

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good Manners!!!

During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners questions the students,one by one.

"Michael, if you were on a date, having supper with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?" she asked.

"Just a minute, I have to go piss."

The teacher replied "That would be rude and impolite!"

"What about you John, how would you say it?"

"I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

The teacher responded, "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the table."

"And you Peter, are you able to use your intelligence for once and show us your good manners?"

"Darling, may I please be excused for a moment, I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after supper ."

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Help! I'm Addicted to FaceBook!

Pretty much everyone I know has a Facebook account. I use it for emailing, messaging, sharing pictures, and more. That sounds pretty reasonable, right? Well, Facebook has a way of creeping from something useful into a major contributor to carpal tunnel, burning eyes, procrastination, and mindless clicking.

Haven't seen people you went to high school with in ten years or more? With Facebook it's no problem. Since you can view everyone's friend list as soon as you connect with one person, the floodgates open, and you're back in your hometown, for better or worse.

Want to see what people are up to but have no interest in really talking to them? No problem with Facebook. If someone has an open profile you can click around on their page like you are their BFF, seeing all their pictures, friends' comments, and status updates. You can locate exactly where someone is and how they're feeling today in 3 minutes or less.

Got something to promote? It's no problem with Facebook. Set your favorite site as your status, create a link to your project and your friends will surely check it out. Got a new business? Create a Facebook group and your friends can join and keep in contact with all the updates of your company.

Ok, obviously I am a Facebook user. I enjoy seeing a picture of my friend when I send them a message. I am a fan of the status update. I even like notifications and am only mildly concerned when I am friend-requested by a total stranger. I enjoy clicking through pictures of my long lost friends' houses in the suburbs and seeing their kids covered in spaghetti. It's sort of exotic to a country girl transplant like me.

So here is the problem, well, my problem. And I am assuming I'm not alone on this one. I'm on Facebook all the time! I go to the site not even conscious that I am going to it. I turned on my computer this morning with the intention of opening Word first thing, and where did I find myself? You guessed it. Facebook. I am addicted! Admitting is the first step to recovery (bankers take note). Sign me up for Facebook rehab.

Pope Benedict XVI has warned us about getting in a pickle with Facebook. Now I'm not one to go around quoting any kind of Church, especially if you knew the extent of my Catholic grade school story, but this was sort of interesting. The Associated Press brought us his thoughts about how Facebook (and MySpace, a whole other topic mostly about kids and bands) can foster friendships and understanding, but warns that they also can isolate people and marginalize others. Benedict welcomes as a "gift" new technologies such as social networking sites, saying they respond to the "fundamental desire" of people to communicate. But he warns that "obsessive" virtual socializing can isolate people from real interaction and deepen the digital divide by excluding those already on the sidelines. He urges producers to ensure that the content respects human dignity, and of course the "goodness and intimacy of human sexuality."

What about burning eyes, carpal tunnel, hunched shoulders, stiff hips, and monkey mind? Those issues are more interesting to me as a health, yoga, and psychology geek.

I would friend-request the Pope. What would his status updates be? "Slipping into Prada loafers getting ready for mass."
So here I am, busted by the Pope! On one hand, he's got a point. Cyber-bullying is not a joke. The horrific suicide of 13-year-old Megan Meier from Missouri in October of 2006 was the direct result of her former friend's mom taunting her through MySpace. Being a teenager is hard enough. I can't even imagine what kids go through now. There are so many new ways to torture each other. I know a few teens in NY that have problems with teasing each on Facebook too. It's a mess.
I'm sure adults have had problems with taunting and other social blunders on Facebook too, but the majority of problems adults face is just plain over-use. Let me reference my "25 random things." If you're a Facebook user, you are well aware of the "25 random things" that have been going around in the last few months. Maybe you've written yours. Or, maybe you think you won't get pulled in. Good luck.

I should be writing at this moment. July 1st deadline will be here soon. FB is one big distraction really, but I do firmly believe in its usefulness. And its ability to deliver BlockBuster-esque horror, comedic, and dramatic episodes in the disconnected yet intimate way only the modern web experience can.

Correct me if I am alone on this one, but the reality of our lives displayed on Facebook splattered with debauchery is a big part of the fun!

I've come up with some warning signs here. This may be the start of developing a support group for Facebook addicts. The group will be listed on Facebook, where you can become a fan of the group, add pictures, look at pictures of other cute people who are in the group, and write on the wall.

10 warning signs that you may be addicted to Facebook

1. Facebook is your home page.
2. You update your status more than twice a day.
3. You have over 500 "friends" half of whom you've never actually met.
4. As soon as you step away from your computer you're on FB on your phone.
5. You are a FB stalker. You qualify as a FB stalker if you
a) click on someone's profile more than once a day even if they haven't messaged or tagged you in a photo.
b) have dragged and dropped more than 3 FB photos (not from your own profile)
c) actually go to a place mentioned on someone's page in hopes of seeing them in real life...creepy!
6. You change your profile picture more than a 12-year=old girl.
7. You have checked your FB page while reading this article.
8. You clean up your "wall" so it looks like you spend less time on FB.
9. You are a member of more than 10 groups and respond to every event invitation "attending" even if you have no intention of going.
10. You change your relationship status just to mess with people.

by: Tara Stiles

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Husband Store

A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'
So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.
'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How To Jump Start a Dead Car Battery

Here are few tips and instructions on jump starting a dead battery. First things first, though. You need to inspect the dead battery. If you see any damage such as leaks or cracks.
DO NOT go any further. Put away the jumper cables and call a wrecker. A damaged battery can explode and really hurt you.
If the battery looks ok, then park the cars close enough to each other for the jumper cables to reach and shut off both engines. Now make sure the terminals are not caked with corrosion. Try to clean them off as best you can. A corroded terminal will make it a lot harder to jump the battery.
At this point you are ready to hook up your jumper cables to the batteries.
(Normally, the red cable is (+) positive and black cable is (-) negative)

They must be connected in this exact order:

1. Connect one end of the (+) positive cable to the (+) positive terminal on the dead battery.
2. Connect the other end of the (+) positive cable to (+) positive terminal on the good battery.
3. Connect one end of the (-) negative cable to (-) negative terminal on the good battery.
4. Connect the other end of the (-) negative cable to the engine block of the dead car.

You are ready to start up the good car’s engine and charge the dead battery. First of all, shut off all electrical equipment on the good car. (head lights, radio, etc.)
Let the good car’s engine run for a minute or so before you attempt to start the dead one. Now get in the dead car and attempt to crank it. If it sounds like it wants to start but won’t quite get there, give it some more time and try again. When the dead has started and is running, it is time to remove the jumper cables. This must be done in reverse order.

Here are the steps:

1. Disconnect (-) negative cable from the engine block on dead car.
2. Disconnect (-) negative cable from the (-) negative terminal on the good battery.
3. Disconnect (+) positive cable from the (+) positive terminal on the good battery.
4. Disconnect (+) positive cable from the (+) positive terminal on the dead battery.

After the dead car has been running for a while, turn it off. See if will start on its own. If it does, you should be ok on the drive home. If not, jump it again and have someone follow you home. When you arrive at home, you can then put a battery charger on it all night and see if it cranks in the morning.

by: Jason Mille

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How To Maintain Your Car Battery

One of the most important parts of your car is the battery. If it doesn't work, your car doesn't start. And, in the winter that is even more true than in the summer.
The electrical power produced by the battery is used by the cars ignition system for cranking the engine. The car's battery also may power the lights and other accessories.
Have the battery tested on a regular basis, including when the car is serviced, before long trips and after it's been recharged.

Here are some things you can do yourself to prevent being stranded on a cold winter day.
Know how old your battery is. To see how old your battery is look for a small decal on the battery. A letter with a number should be there. The letter indicates the month, starting with "A" for January, "B" for February, and so on. I is skipped so December is "M". The number represents the year with "9" standing for 1999, "0" for 2000, etc. so D2, would be April, 2002. F5 would be June, 2005. Experts usually advise getting a new battery when a battery is four years old.

Watch for corroded terminals or battery posts, loose clamps, loose cables, or a leaking or damaged battery case. Look for dirty, wet, corroded or swollen cables and battery top.
Look for a loose or broken alternator belt. If the alternator fails the battery might also need to power the vehicle's entire electrical system until repairs can be made.

Keep jumper cables in the trunk of your car for emergency start up. Make sure the cables are free of rust and corrosion and that there are no exposed wires before using them.
Park your car in a garage whenever possible.

If you must leave your car outside all day, go out and start the car two or three times a day and let the car run for a few minutes to warm up. This will help the car to start more easily when you are ready to go. When temperatures are below zero Fahrenheit avoid leaving the car out for extended periods of time.

For more tips on keeping your battery in excellent working condition visit:

by: Marilyn Pokorney

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Your Guide to Battery Types

Every mobile electronic device we own runs on battery power, yet we take batteries for granted - at least until they run out of juice. No matter what kind of device battery - laptop battery, cell phone battery, camcorder battery, remote control battery - you need, it's helpful to know the various kinds of battery types and their uses.

Gel Battery - A gel battery is also known as a sealed lead acid (SLA) battery, and its distinguishing feature is that it doesn't have to be kept upright in order to work. An SLA battery continues to perform in extreme conditions, such as hot temperatures, or under vibration. SLA batteries are often used in wheelchairs, scooters, and uninterruptible power sources. It's best to keep an SLA battery charged, or to charge it more often than you would other types of batteries.

NiMH - NiMH stands for Nickel Metal Hydride and is the battery of choice for many cell phones, camcorders, digital cameras, GPS systems, PDAs, and other personal electronics. NiMH batteries are also used in hybrid cars. An NiMH is a rechargeable battery that is similar to a nickel cadmium (NiCd) battery, but that has double or triple the capacity of a NiCd battery. It's best not to overcharge NiMH batteries.

NiCd - NiCd stands for Nickel Cadmium, and is a type of rechargeable battery commonly used in toys, electronic devices, and power tools. Although some people prefer NiMH batteries to NiCd batteries, a NiCd battery provides virtually the same level of voltage throughout its lifetime, and costs less than an NiMH battery.

LiION - LiION stands for Lithium Ion, and is one of the newest rechargeable batteries. Although they are more expensive than other types of rechargeable batteries, LiION batteries have more capacity and are often used in wireless phones, camcorders, and notebook computers. The downside of LiION batteries is that the length of their life commences from the date of manufacture, rather than from the number of times the battery is charged and discharged. It's best to regularly charge LiION batteries and store used batteries in the refrigerator. (Allow them to warm to room temperature before using them, though.)

Alkaline - Alkaline batteries are not rechargeable with a battery charger, but offer a large current over a long period of time. These batteries are often used in CD players and portable radios.

Carbon Zinc - Carbon Zinc batteries are known for their reliability over long periods of time in low-drain situations, such as for garage door openers or clocks. A Carbon Zinc battery is not rechargeable.

by: Chris Robertson

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Explain about the kids..?!?!

There was this couple that had been married for 20 years.
Every time they made love the husband always insisted on shutting off the light.
Well, after 20 years the wife felt this was ridiculous.
She figured she would break him out of this crazy habit.

So one night, while they were in the middle of a wild, screaming, romantic session, she turned on the lights.
She looked down... and saw her husband was holding a battery-operated pleasure device... a vibrator!
Soft, wonderful and larger than a real one.

She went completely ballistic.
You impotent bastard," She screamed at him, "how could you be lying to me all of these years? You better explain yourself!"

The husband looks her straight in the eyes and says calmly:
I'll explain the toy . . . you explain the kids."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Photo of Esplanade Theater - Singapore

This photo was taken from Marina Mandarin Hotel - Singapore by me...
7 September 2006
Panasonic-Lumix FZ30

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Photography And The Cell Phone

Nearly every modern cell phone (telefone celular) has a camera feature. Though they are far away from modern age digital camera, cell phone cameras can still be used to produce good quality photographs.

The cell phone (telefone celular) has some additional features that are not yet available on digital cameras and so may even be able to provide some advantages. The best way to obtain quality photographs is to understand the specifications that are available on these devices, enabling you to make an informed decision when choosing your mobile product, ensuring that it meets your requirements.

The size of the cell phone (telefone celular) screen will affect the quality of viewing on your phone only. It will not affect the quality of your photograph when downloaded to your computer. However, the pixels that your cell phone camera uses will affect the quality of the image a great deal. The minimum resolution you should use is 1.0 mega pixels if photographic images are an important feature for you.

Higher resolution of 3.0 mega pixels and up is available on current cell phones (telefone celular). The higher the number of pixels, the better quality the photographic image will be when reproduced. This is because the pixels are the amount of dots used to create the image; the more that are used, the less the image will break up when enlarged.

The memory size of your device will directly affect the number of photographs that you can store. This will affect your output, and also give you less scope for getting that perfect shot. Your device will detail how much memory it contains, and this amount is usually very low, to store only a few photographic images.

However, the memory capacity can be supplemented by purchasing a memory card that is compatible with your cell phone (telefone celular). The largest currently available is as much as 2 Gigabytes, which can store large numbers of photographs. The exact number will vary as the number of pixels directly affects the amount of memory used. The settings of your picture image can often be changed also. The picture quality is better the higher the resolution you choose. Lower resolutions take up less memory and so can be useful if you just want to send images to friends and family, if are running low on space or if the quality is not of importance.

It is also important that you can store your pictures. If you purchase a cell phone memory card (telefone celular), make sure that it also be compatible with your computer or that it can be hooked up to a USB that is computer compatible. Your device should also come with a USB that you can use to download your pictures. This enables you to clear your cell phone regularly, maximising the use of the camera feature. Once stored, your photographs can be manipulated using programs such as Photoshop, as with any other photographic image.

A major advantage of a camera is that it can be used to send pictures direct to friends and family with a compatible cell phone (telefone celular). These can be sent via multi media messages, which although relatively expensive are now appearing in cell phone contracts as part of a package.

Digital photos can also be sent via email if the cell phone (telefone celular) is internet enabled. Any photographic image can be sent for free via infra red or Bluetooth to another compatible device. This is an excellent way of sharing images, without the need for downloading first, which is both fast and functional. This means cell phones do have an advantage over other photographic devices to a degree, as they do not yet have this feature.

by: Roberto Sedycias

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Beginning In Photography: Choosing A Camera

You’ve been snapping away with your nifty little point and shoot camera for a while now and you’ve discovered you really like taking pictures and want to get more creative and have more control over your photos. Naturally the next step is to upgrade to an SLR camera. But which one? There is a ridiculous number of products out there with all sorts of buttons and dials that do this or that. This article attempts to give a brief overview of the things that are actually important when considering which camera to buy.

Firstly, let’s dispel one of the most common myths associated with upgrading equipment. Buying a new camera will not make you a better photographer. Repeat: it will NOT make you a better photographer. Not instantly, not in 2 years time, not in 10 years. What will make you a better photographer is you. Your willingness to learn and develop your skills. Sure a high end camera will give you more control over your image making, but that’s just it; its you controlling the camera, and therefore the end image. Ok, now that we’re on the same track, a few things to think about.

How many megapixels do I need?
We are going to assume that you are looking at digital cameras here, although I should point out that there are some excellent film cameras around at much less expense. So don’t discount film altogether (it’s not dead just yet!). But to answer the question, we first need to answer another: What do you want to do with your photos? If you only want to post your photos on the web, e-mail them or make small prints to put in a photo album, the resolution you need for this is quite low. To give you an idea, a camera with 2 megapixels will create an image that can make a good quality 6 x 4 print (standard photo album size). Most entry level SLR cameras start at around 6 megapixels. Therefore if this is all you want to do with your images, the amount of megapixels does not need to be a major concern. If, however, you want to make large sized prints, you may need a higher resolution camera. While entry level SLR’s often produce very good quality prints up to a certain size, more pixels gives you the freedom of being able to enlarge even further. While image software programs can increase the size of your photos they will lose some quality. Starting with a larger image means that fewer pixels are added by the program and less quality is lost.

Is brand important?
Not as important as some would have you think. While photographers will continue to debate the Nikon vs Canon issue, my belief is that it is a moot point. Both companies produce some excellent products and some pretty ordinary ones. What should be foremost in your mind is build quality. How many plastic parts does the camera have versus metal ones? Metal parts can be replaced, while plastic parts are usually set into a mould and cannot be. Potentially this could mean the difference between having to buy a new part or a new camera a few years down the track. Check how the camera feels in your hand. If it feels solid and sturdy, it probably is. Quality between brands doesn’t differ greatly until you get into the higher end cameras. This is where Nikon and Canon come to the fore and other brands that don’t target this market drop off. However if you decide you don’t need a higher end camera, don’t discount other brands.

What about features?
Cameras come with all sorts of different modes and features. Some of them seem to be included for no other reason than to be a selling point for that particular model. It takes a little research to discern which are actually going to be useful. There are, however, some that you should factor into your considerations. Firstly, what mode settings does the camera have? Many entry level SLR’s have similar settings to point and shoot cameras. I.e. Portrait, landscape, low light etc. While these make things easy, the point of moving up to an SLR camera is to gain more control over your photos. You will never gain the control you want without learning how to use a camera in full manual mode.

Other features, such as a built if flash or cable release socket, may be important to you depending on the type of photography you want to do. If you like to shoot portraits, a built in flash can be a huge help in lighting shadows. If you are interested in landscape photography, you will at some point want to set you camera up on a tripod to capture a low light scene. Using a cable release allows you to press the shutter without actually touching the camera, removing the camera shake that blurs a picture.

One final consideration.

This is possibly the most important of all. Make sure the camera you choose is comfortable and easy to use. Check that you can reach all the buttons easily while shooting and that the dial and menu configurations are logical. This allows you to learn your gear easily so that you can concentrate on the most important thing: taking pictures.

by: Mark Eden

Monday, February 02, 2009

Ketentuan Fiskal LN - Indonesia


Friday, January 30, 2009

Nude Photography As A Profession

Many keen and experienced photographers have grown to adore nude photography after as little as one or two shoots. The human form can be wonderous and continuously changing. Equally, the industry of nude art photography does have its rogues but when you pass the the boundary of lust and wonder, you can be left with a continuing desire to improve the artform of nude photography for the rest of your life.

Of course, there are major hurdles to overcome to enter nude photography, not least of which is the need to practise technique. By its very nature there has to be at least one subject, and the big problem for the photographer here is image. To some, the image of a nude photographer is tied in with the “dirty Macintosh” brigade, with the false wig, dark glasses and dark hat.

Not everyone believes the adage that an erotic photograph, does not have to be nude, and a nude photograph is not necessarily erotic. The biggest challenge is to find a suitable model, and certainly in small town rural backwater areas, it is not the brightest propaganda move to put an advertisement in the Post Office window. It is also suspect to approach someone in the street.

Impeccable credentials help here, an image of a bona fide photographer, with a studio, and a business card with a portfolio. A professionally created business card also helps; a ripped off part of an old envelope invites suspicion. It is not necessary to have a portfolio of nudes, but it is essential as an aid of creating the feeling of trust. It can be very helpful to not tell a prospective model what you do, but show them, and depending on their responses take it from there.

A lot of nude photographers start with a self portrait an this is better than nothing in some cases. There are several other methods that can be used to find people to model. Your first option is to hire professional (glamour) models. That can be expensive, and they're not often familiar with that type of work. The second option is to hire amateur models, or perhaps even nude still life models, the problem here is that the latter will have no inhibitions taking their clothes off, and may be able to sit still and hold a specific pose for long periods of time, however they may not be the best models to animate themselves. The third option is not to pay a model at all, but find someone with a vested interest in making a portfolio work. Whilst thinking about this matter during the research for this article it occurred to me, that the ideal person, would be someone who would be prepared to model in exchange for a portfolio, or other photographic service. In other words, a model who has a reason to make the session work will undoubtedly put more effort into overcoming any technical difficulties. Perhaps you know someone who is pregnant who might want to model in exchange for the photos.

Secondly that type of model will produce better results, than some eighteen year olds with a perfect body and a bad attitude. A personal model with enthusiasm to explore different perspectives and techniques has to produce better results than a wooden, but perfect doll. It does not alter the fact that your model must be at peace with the thought of nude modelling as a whole, but a sensitive relationship with the photographer will work wonders here. The rules are no different for a photographer here than a portrait photographer, he or she must first have self confidence. If you cannot get that across to your model he or she will be reluctant to give it their best shot.

This type of photography is striving for a look that is natural, and even has a look that it has not been posed for at all. Comfort is essential not just physical comfort though that is important, but mental comfort, the model must be able to understand the concept behind what you are trying to do so that she can co-operate. You have to take the time to explain the techniques of flattering compositions, but equally the model has to work on being fluid and graceful in these motions.

A good relationship with your model built on confidence is essential when you come to evaluate and criticise the work. Your first session will create the tone for future work, but that is when a model will be her most nervous, a way of getting over this barrier might be to ask her to come accompanied, and that may make for a lighter more relaxed session.

Working with the same model over a number of sessions builds up a rapport, and helps the model learn what works in the images, and what doesn't. She has to be able to see the completed image, before this is really possible. As the model becomes more familiar with how you work and experiences the crucial processes of making an image, the model becomes better at generating poses which work for you, and on the whole, the number of successful images increases.

The locations for this type of photography is not important in terms of the finished image, but it needs to be a little circumspect, or you have to take along a person who watches for stray wanderers if it is outdoors. Lighting normally seems to be better if it is natural, but a single candle can be effective particularly with the use of an older model.

It is important to think ahead before this type of assignment and instruct a model to wear loose clothing and possibly no underwear as strap marks into the skin can take a long time to subside and will ruin the final shots.

Once you have managed to break into this type of work there are many stock libraries that specialise in this type of work.

by: Roy Barker

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photography and the Great Outdoors

Combining photography with the passion of hiking, biking and mountain climbing can result in the most incredible photographs imaginable. Whether it's ice climbing in the Rockies, with your camera bag packed safely away, until you reach the summit where you have a breathtaking panoramic view of the frozen earth spread out as far as the eye can see. Or a leisurely springtime hike up a flower carpeted Pocono hillside with your camera close at hand to catch that pheasant or covey of quail. The outdoors and photography are a perfect match.

If you're a week-end photographer who can't wait to get out of the city and become one with nature, there are countless opportunities that will allow you to fulfill your desire to "get away" and get that "shot of a lifetime".

Consider those who are lucky enough to live in Seattle, Washington where you can leave work on a Friday afternoon and be standing on the majestic and rugged coastline, removing your camera and tripod from their bag in time to be setting up to focus on one of the most beautiful sunsets on earth. The next morning, while enjoying your first cup of coffee, you could be snapping pictures of the Grey whales which migrate north along the Washington coast between February and April every year.

Or maybe mountain scenery is your first love and you are fortunate enough to live in the Yellowstone area of Montana were the wildlife is phenomenal. Grizzly, coyote, elk.... big horned sheep playing on the mountainside. Buffalo grazing peacefully, as they must have a 100 years ago. This is truly Big Sky Country where you can catch a glimpse of a graceful eagle gliding silently through the trees. These are pictures most people can only see in a magazine, not through their camera lens on a brisk autumn morning.

Remember it's important to research not only where you're going to be photographing and what camera equipment you'll be using, but also the bags, backpacks and pouches to which you entrust your valuable cameras, lenses, tripods and accessories The touring bicyclist needs to invest in a dry sack in the event he encounters inclement weather, but the young photographer hiking through the Sierra Nevada, in search of the various species of blooming cactus, probably would be in need of the backpack with room for her water bottles. Look for quality, durability and functionality.

Whatever your passion, wherever you call home. There are beautiful pictures waiting to be taken. That horse pasture you are fortunate enough to pass on your way to work every day. Stop; take a good look. I bet you'll see a terrific photograph. One you'd probably be in awe of if you saw it in a magazine. So pack up those camera bags and keep your equipment handy. You never know when that one perfect picture will appear.

by: Suzanne VanDegrift

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year
Year of the OX

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Basic Skills In Digital Photography

Basically, there is not much difference between using a digital camera and a manual camera. In fact, most experts believe that using a digital camera actually spoils the photographer, making everything so easy for him. Still, there are many who remain daunted by the prospects of using a digital camera especially when their training comes mainly from manual photography.

There are a number of skills that one needs to learn before switching to the digital format. Read through and find out some of the things that you need to develop.

Computer skills
Digital photography involves dealing with computers. In fact, operating the digital camera is like operating a small computer. There are functions that are actually similar to the computer like formatting and delete and a whole lot of other things. You need to be familiar with the functions in order to be able to maximize the digital camera.

In addition, you also need to be really familiar with computer when storing your picture files and adjusting your photos. With this, you need to be able to perform computer tasks such as cutting, pasting, copying, renaming and opening and closing of files and folders.

There are a number of good books that provide tutorials that will enhance computer skills as well as teach you some of the basics in using the computer with regards to photography. Some books in photography, digital photography will for sure contain sections that deal with computers.

Knowledge in graphic programs
One can actually adjust photos and create a whole lot of effects with the use of graphic programs such as Photoshop. One can actually change the size of the photo, alter the pixels and even change the format into different file types. One good thing with digital cameras is the fact that one can actually alter the pictures taken before printing it.

With the use of these programs, one can erase flaws, sharpen some features of the photo, blur the background and even transfer one photo with another. If one is really good, you can even create one new photo by cutting different elements in various photos and put them all together.

Working knowledge with the various functions of the camera
As mentioned before, working with a digital camera is similar to working with a small computer. In order to maximize the digital camera, you need to master the functions including adjusting the various levels such as the shutter speed, the brightness, the contrast. There are even digital cameras that you can actually use as a manual camera; you just need to learn to adjust the functions.

by: Low Jeremy

Monday, January 19, 2009

Jual Putau

Joko yang sedang sakaw berat akhirnya memutuskan pergi ke apotik terdekat.
Joko: "Pak, jual putauw, nggak?"
Penjual: "Ini apotik legal, nggak jual yang begituan."

Keesokan harinya Joko datang lagi.
Joko: "Pak, jual putauw, nggak?"
Penjual (heran): "Lho, kemaren kan sudah saya bilang kalau apotik ini
legal, nggak jual barang begituan!"

Joko: "Maaf, Pak..."

Keesokannya lagi, Joko datang mencoba keberuntungannya.

Joko: "Pak, ada putauw?"

Penjual (marah dan kesal): "Goblok banget sih elo! Gue udah bilang di
sini toko obat legal. Gak ada yang namanya putauw. Berani-beraninya
minta barang haram kayak gitu. Kalau elu dateng lagi minta putauw, gua
gunting kuping lu!!"
Joko kabur gemetaran.
Keesokan harinya (lagi)... si Joko nongol di toko obat tersebut. Si penjual
sudah masang tampang sangar.

Joko (takut-takut): "Pak... ada gunting?"

Penjual (setengah cuek): "Nggak!"
Joko: "Mmm.... kalo gitu... kalo gitu... ada putauw??

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to Fix Corrupted Registry

The Windows registry is a very vital filing technique that acts as the central nervous system of your computer. It saves all the selections and configuration records for administrative configuration, file associations, permissions, as well as individual user configurations for software and hardware. The registry is made up of different files and folders which vary in name and location depending on your version of Windows.

Windows persistently references the registry as you operate your computer. This is why registry errors, clutter, and distortion can lead to grave computer problems. Examples of registry-related problems are crashes, freezes, dll errors, ActiveX problems, runtime errors, as well as overall slow performance. Often the cause of a computer that seems to be slowing down over time is a cluttered Windows registry.

How Does The Registry Get Damaged Or Corrupted
The registry is prone to harm from a mixture of sources and reasons. One of the most common causes of trouble is the partial uninstallation of software and hardware drivers. Parts of programs frequently get left behind in the registry and cause discord with new or present software and hardware.

Another way the registry gets cluttered is when temporary registry files get created but are never eradicated. When the registry gets too big it can cause Windows to bog down and run slowly.

The Best Way To Fix Registry Errors
Removal of these pieces and clutter is often tricky, and you must use a registry cleaner software program to do it unless you know specifically what you're searching for. Most people do not know how to properly deal with the registry and can end up causing damage when they try to manually clean it. Using a registry cleaner is a safe and effective way of cleaning the registry.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

How to Keep Your Windows System Running Fast

Even the most advanced hardware configuration can slow down over time as a result of software-related issues. While upgrading your computer's memory can help improve the operating system performance, especially if you are running Vista, there are several optimization tips that will help you to get the most out of your existing configuration:

Run a Reliable Spyware Cleaner
With the growth of media and software downloads, there's a good chance there a file on your machine is associated with spyware or ad-ware. Even if you're running an anti-virus system, you might be missing out on detection of files that can slow down your system and open up potential software vulnerabilities. Most spyware systems work by connecting your computer to an external data-mining source, allowing advertisers to serve you targeting ads without your knowledge and taking up valuable computing resources. In addition to running a system cleaner, consider deleting your browser's cookies and off-line files regularly.

Do an audit on Your System's Start-Up Programs
Upon installation, many programs start-up with Windows by default. Even if they are passively running in the background, this can take up quite a bit of memory and system resources. You can review these programs in the Control Panel, and can turn off automated startup for those programs that you don't use often; this can help you reduce both start-up and load times. In Vista, you can find these settings within Windows Defender in the 'Software Explorer' category in Tools. From there, you can then disable automated startups for programs that you don't use.

Consider Defragmenting Your Hard Drive
Over time, new software installations can be fragmented across various points on your hard drive. As a result, it can take longer for your processor to access files – to correct this problem, you can set your computer to defragment its hard drive on a regular basis. You can do so within the Windows Task Scheduler to set a weekly or monthly run time. After installing a particularly large program, such as Photoshop, you may want to also run the process manually.

Keep Your System Drivers Updated
Many slowdowns in Windows relate directly to out-of-date or incompatible software and hardware drivers. In particular, check to see that your graphics card has an updated driver that is optimized for your OS, especially if you're using Vista. By checking for new hardware drivers, you can greatly improve run-time speed and reduce incompatibilities that may slow down your system.

Run Only Those Features of Windows You Need
Although Windows comes with a number of features turned on by default, you may not need to run all of these various programs. To check to see which features are turned on, check in the Control Panel. In the 'Uninstall a Program' and click on the 'Turn Windows Features On or Off' tab on the left sidebar. Here, you will be able to select which optional features are implemented on your OS, and can improve the speed of your operating system by turning off features that you don't need.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

3 Car Stereo Components

Tips To Put Them Together

If you are new to the car stereo market, you may find yourself overwhelmed at the sheer number of parts and accessories that can make up a top of the line car stereo system. In this article, we'll explore the basic components that make up a functioning car stereo system.

1. The Head Unit: Making It Happen

You may have seen the term "head unit" before and not known what exactly it was. Simply put the head unit is the part of your car stereo that actually produces the music from radio, tape, CD, or other device. But nowadays you can also get head units for your car stereo that can play DVDs or music and video from USB flash drives or memory cards. Head units have sure come a long ways from when people used to install home stereo equipment in their vehicles!

2. Amplifiers: Bring the Boom

While your head unit may provide its own internal amplification (which may be enough for you), at some point most car stereo enthusiasts will want to add amplifiers to the mix. Simply put, and amplifier takes a signal coming out of your head unit, and makes it louder. Be careful when shopping for amplifiers, as some of the large amps can draw over 100 amps; this may be well over what your alternator and battery can provide, and can cause damage to those components.

3. Speakers: Woofers, Tweeters, What?

The best head unit and amp is completely useless without speakers. Speakers, regardless of size, all do one thing: take the electrical signal coming from either the head unit's internal amp or your external amp and turn it into sound, usually loud sound. The different types of speakers are classified by the range of sounds they can reproduce. Tweeters, for example, only reproduce high pitches, while woofers reproduce the upper bass ranges. Midranges make midrange sounds, strangely enough, while subwoofers cover sounds from the low bass all the way down to subsonics (those sounds you can feel but not hear). Subwoofers are usually the first candidate for external amplifiers, since they require large amounts of current to make that bone shaking bass.

Putting It All Together

Let's review: head units take your CD or tape and convert it to electrical signals. The amplifier makes this signal larger, and finally the speakers take that signal and make sound out of it. These are the base components you need for any car stereo installation. The accessories, such as crossovers and signal isolators, may or may not be needed for your particular application.

These are the basics you need to know for all car stereo systems. Now that you have a better idea what all these different terms actually mean, you should be able to shop intelligently for your new car stereo system. Just remember, as always, while you get what you pay for, you don't necessarily have to have the absolute best (and most expensive) parts for a good sound. More often than not, a midrange product will provide the best bang for your buck. And remember, it's all modular! You don't HAVE to buy every piece all at once. You can start with the head unit, and simply wire it's built in amplifier into your factory car stereo speakers. Add a sub and an amp later if you want, or replace the factory speakers with higher quality ones, it's all up to you.

Monday, January 05, 2009


Sepasang suami istri sedang menikmati makan malam yang indah dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun perkawinan mereka yang ke-50. Ulang Tahun Perkawinan Emas dengan 8 anak + 28 cucu + 2 cicit.
Ketika menikmati makanan pencuci mulut, si suami tiba-tiba teringat sesuatu dan kemudian menoleh ke arah istrinya dan bertanya, "Ada satu hal yang ingin kutanyakan padamu sejak lama lho. Tapi aku merasa tidak enak, jadi pertanyaan ini belum pernah terlontarkan. ..... Tapi malam ini khan kita merayakan Kawin Emas kita, kita sendiri sudah jadi Oma sama Opa, jadi... ada baiknya saya tanyakan sekarang deh..."

Si istri, "Apa sih? Tanya saja. Kenapa mesti tidak enak?"
"Gini.... anak kita yang nomor 4 kok nggak mirip sama! saudara- saudaranya yang lain. Apakah papanya beda?", tanya sang suami.
Si istri kaget mendengar pertanyaan sang suami.
Ia menundukkan kepala dan nggak sanggup menatap suaminya. "Iya.....," katanya mengaku, "Papanya beda."
Hening....... Mata si suami mendadak dipenuhi kabut air mata... "Ooh...," katanya sambil menahan sesak di dada, "Kalo gitu, boleh gak aku tahu siapa papanya?"
Hening lagi.......Sembari mengumpulkan keberanian, si istri menjawab, "Kamu...."

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Disc Maintenance

CD Maintenance – How to make sure you CD stays in good shape
by: Keith McGregor

As we all know CDs & DVDs are prone to scratching, marking, cracking & breaking.

If you leave discs out near your PC or stereo, dust will settle or the data side will get scratched or marked. Now the best ways to prevent this happening are simple. They may sound straight forward but you’ll be surprised how many times CDs & DVDs are not protected properly. Following these simple steps will ensure you can use your CD's and DVD's for dvd copying and cd copying for years to come.

Keep your CDs in there Jewel Cases. If not there are PVC wallets which act as ample protection or Card Wallets. For you DVDs you must keep them in their DVD boxes or, as previously mentioned, PVC Wallets and Card wallets will do.

If your CD or DVD gets scratched, you may think that it’s damaged forever……..Wrong! The scratching on the surface of the disc simply fools the laser and makes it skip. Or, if you’re player has difficulty in loading the data, it’s due the surface being scratched and unable to read the digital data below.

However, do not panic! There are plenty of repair kits around to eliminate this problem and allow you to perfrom that all important cd copying or dvd copying. If you’ve thought you’ve lost a CD forever due to mark or scratch, think again!

These repair kits are a compound mixture of polish, which are specially designed for plastic (which discs are made up of). The mixture interacts with the polymer and allows the polish to get to work on the scratch. This polish will remove the majority of the disc that has been damaged and restore the music/data back to full playability.

Therefore, you revive your discs using these kits. However, I suggest you look after your CD or DVD by putting them back into their Jewel Case, DVD box, PVC Wallet or Card Wallet. Keep them in a dust-free environment or storage case.
Keep your discs playing longer...

When you remove your discs from their CD Jewel Cases or DVD box then you risk the centre-hub cracking or breaking. This will lead to disc failures. Especially for console playing or DVD films. Having looked around for a remedy to this common problem, we have found a solution...

It’s in the form of a metal reinforced centre-hub. It’s easy to attach and will reduce the stress that is normally applied when removing CDs or DVDs from Jewel Cases or DVD Boxes. This will prevent the discs from cracking at the centre. “Hurray!” I hear you say.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Toyota dan Daihatsu Luncurkan Mini MPV 7 Penumpang

Jumat, 26/12/2008 | 02:29 WIB

TOKYO, JUMAT — Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) dan Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd (DMC), pada Natal, 25 Desember 2008, meluncurkan produk terbaru mereka, kendaraan 7 penumpang dengan tiga deret tempat duduk untuk pasar Jepang.

Kedua perusahaan
menggunakan nama masing-masing untuk produk baru ini. Toyota menamakannya dengan Passo Sette (bahasa Italia, Sette berarti tujuh), sedangkan Daihatsu memberi label Boon Luminas (gabungan dari dua kata Inggris: roomy dan luminious).

Meski 7 penumpang, TMC dan DMC tidak menjelaskan kate
gori kendaraan ini sebagai mini MPV. Dari penampilan, mobil ini mirip dengan saudaranya yang dibuat di Indonesia, Avanza dan Xenia. Untuk dimensi, Passo Sette dan Boon Luminas sedikit lebih besar, tetapi lebih rendah (lihat tabel "Perbedaan Dimensi").

perti Avanza dan Xenia, Passo Sette dan Boon Luminas juga dibuat oleh Daihatsu. Meski begitu, menurut kedua perusahaan, pengembangan produk dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Namun, Daihatsu lebih berperan karena punya pengalaman dan keahlian khusus membuat mobil-mobil kecil dan kompak. Diinformasikan pula, mobil ini dibuat oleh Daihatsu di Kyoto. Target penjualannya per bulan yaitu, Toyota 3.000 unit, dan Daihatsu 500 unit.

Mungkinkah ke Indonesia?

Dari segi penampilan, Passo Sette dan Boon Luminas memang lebih oke dan mengarah ke mini MPV. Kemungkinan besar, mobil ini nantinya juga akan dipasarkan di Indonesia oleh Daihatsu.

Itu diper
kirakan tahun depan. Hal tersebut pernah dikemukakan oleh Amelia Tjandra, Direktur Pemasaran PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM) ketika meluncurkan New Xenia atau Xenia Facelift pada September lalu.

"Tahun depan kami punya produk baru, MPV dengan dimensi antara Kijang dan Xenia,” pancingnya tanpa
menambahkan keterangan. “Tunggu saja,” jelasnya ketika wartawan coba menggali informasi lebih dalam.

Mesin Avanza 1,5

Untuk mesin, sama dengan Avanza 1,5 liter. Tepatnya berkapasitas 1.495 cc. Tipenya pun hampir sama. Menurut rilis kedua perusahaan tersebut, mesin Passo Sette dan Boon Luminas adalah 3ZR-VE, sedangkan Avanza 1,5 tipenya 3SZ-VE.

Dari hasil penelusuran, tenaga dan torsi yang dihasilkan
mesin produk baru ini sama dengan Avanza 1,5 liter. Tenaga maksimum 109PS @ 6.000 rpm dan torsi 14,4 kg-m @ 4.400 rpm.

Saat rilis produk baru ini dikeluarkan, baik Toyota maupun Daihatsu tidak menyertakan foto interior. Hanya dijelaskan, mobil ini berukuran kompak dan interiornya lega. Panjang interior mencapai 2.550 mm.

Jarak a
ntara jok depan dan belakang 1.630 mm, sedangkan jok kedua dibuat terpisah dengan jarak 150 mm. Lantai di depan jok deretan ketiga dibuat lebih rendah dan menciptakan ruang kaki yang lega.

Secara keseluruhan, mobil bisa memuat lima penumpang dengan ruang untuk barang yang cukup besar atau 7 penumpang dengan nyaman. Pintu belakang membuka sampai 935 mm dan dinilai cukup lincah karena radius putarnya 5,2 meter.

Sistem kunci tanpa harus menggunakan kunci untuk masuk ke dalam mobil. Kunci ini sekaligus berfungsi sebagai immobiliz
er. Toyota dan Daihatsu menawarkan tombol untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan mesin (standar pada Passo Sette G dan Boon Luminas CX dan CX Aero).

Peranti Keamanan

Di Jepang mobil ini dipenuhi berbagai perlengkapan pengaman aktif, antara lain vehicle stability control (VSC) yang memonitor traksi dan secara otomatis mengontrol tenaga yang dikeluarkan mesin. Juga ada sistem pendistribusian tenaga rem yang disatukan dengan traction control (TRC) untuk mengontrol roda tidak spin saat pertama kali mobil dijalankan atau berakselerasi pada permukaan jalan lincin.

Untuk memindahkan tenaga, digunakan transmisi otomatis 4 kecepatan yang dikontrol secara elektronik.
Tambahan lain adalah indikator lampu Eco-Drive (Daihatsu) untuk menunjukkan kondisi mengemudi irit bahan bakar atau Eco-Vehicle Assessment System (Eco-VAS) untuk Toyota.

Di Jepang, mobil ini ditawarkan dengan harga (Passo Sette) 1,490,000 yen dan 1,535,000 yen. Kalau dikonversi ke rupiah pada kondisi sekarang, harganya mencapai Rp 190 juta. Namun, harga itu pantas karena perlengkapannya seabrek. Kalau dipasarkan di Indonesia, pasti banyak perlengkapan dipreteli agar harganya terjangkau. Yah... ditunggu aja!

Source: Kompas Online